Friday, May 9, 2008

home on thursday ~

yesterday i was able to come home and it certainly is nice to be here!  i cannot complain at all though about the care at DePaul - the people there are awesome.  after my surgery my cardiologist put me in the intensive care step down area and i had the best nurses - they were great.  since getting home i have pretty much just rested.  twice i got on the treadmill for around 10-15 minutes at an extremely slow pace.  i have continued to take my pain meds, because i am still having a lot of discomfort in my abdominal area.  this morning i had 60 cc's of coffee!  what a treat! i am drinking out of the little medicine cups from the hospital, three of these an hour. my drink of choice is isopure blue raspberry - i Love it!

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