Wednesday, May 6, 2009


wow, has it really been a year ago that i had my gastric by-pass surgery??? the time has flown by SOoooo fast.  and i am very happy to say that the pounds have fallen away Sooooo fast too!  as of today i have lost 150 and 1/2 pounds - every little bit counts :D

i honestly can't think of any profound statement or anything ~ the most important thing i would like to say is that if you are reading this blog and contemplating having weight loss surgery - i say GO FOR IT!  it's the best thing (next to receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour) that i could have done for myself.  getting off the weight helps me to be a better wife, mother...everything!  i am SO blessed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe the change in you in only one year. You are looking absolutely fabulous! I am hoping for good results for Jimmy too, whenever we finally get to that point. Until then things are going well with the diet and exercise program. So I will just keep praying and being faithful to do what God has called us to do.